
about that time of year again...

It's about that time again.  In a few short weeks, we'll be packing up our suitcases and traveling back across the pond for another hockey season.  I've been avoiding the idea of packing so far, but I know that July 28th is going to creep up on me.... fast.  Four days this weekend will be spent celebrating my brother-in-law's wedding, then next week we have scheduled a last minute trip to Florida. 

After that, we'll have less than 2 weeks until our departure date.  Time to go start dusting off the suitcases. 

Thank goodness most of our stuff is still in Finland- there was no sense in bringing all of our winter stuff home for the summer.  But, this limits me to only one suitcase to bring back with me, since that was all I brought home in the Spring.  Hopefully all of my new shopping purchases I've made over the summer fit in as well....

I'll also be replenishing things like our medicine kit and other necessary items that can't be found in Finland, and making a few necessary purchases that we somehow lived without last season (sling-box anyone?!) 

And then there's the dreaded vet paperwork for Miss Maddie, ugh.  At least it will be easier this year since we know what to do, how to do it, and she has her very own little Finland/EU "Pet Passport". 

So, here's where my headaches from last year are getting put to good use to make your life easier:

no, that's not me... but a good idea of how I look when
attempting to pack for the season
*If you're looking for a packing list on what to bring (and what not to bring) when moving to Europe, check out my list HERE!

*If you're looking for information about traveling to Europe with your dog, check out my info HERE!

(here is also another great list written by a friend/fellow hockey wife, with some great tips for packing for a warmer climate and when you have the convienence of driving vs. flying, and for moving from Canada to the USA)



  1. Awwww you sweet girl! Thanks for posting a link to my packing list :) I definitely wish I had something like this last year... good thing we can steal ideas from our little "network"!

  2. of course! You had some great ideas that I hadn't thought of too :)

  3. Oh yes, always the bestest time of year (eye roll). At least it keeps us all from accumulating too much crap. Good luck with all the packing!

  4. So true!! We get rid of more and more stuff every time we move. It's a blessing in disguise :) Thanks, you too! Maybe we'll see you guys at the airport! ;)

  5. Ahhhh time flies and my hubby is leaving on 29th:( it feels like off season gets shorter every year!! Ahhhh time flies and my hubby is leaving on 29th:( it feels like off season gets shorter every year!!

  6. geeez... is it really that soon?? Thank goodness we aren't moving until the first of september, but even thinking about it makes me gag. Moving with a newborn. ahhhh! Which means she takes a lot of space up with her stuff as well (bag wise) .. it's going to be interesting. I'll pretend like it's not happening for a while.

  7. Mrs K- yeah, the 29th is the day we get in over there too :) I agree- it does get shorter and shorter!

    Laura- hahaha! that's what I do... pretend it's not happening until I absolutely HAVE to. And I'm sure moving for 3 is going to be a lot more challenging than 2! Especially with how little she will be. It will be soo worth all of the difficulty once you touch down in the U.S. though! :)

  8. Pet passport - what a great idea!
