
two months from tomorrow

It's not even Memorial Day yet, and our summer is at the half way point.  In fact, Memorial Day itself marks the exact half-way point of our time back here in the States.  We got back on April 2nd, and head back July 28th.  Yup. July. 28th.  Two months from tomorrow.

I still don't understand why the hockey season (in Europe, at least) starts in August.  J's first team 'responsibility' is August 1st.  I don't know about you, but I want to be sitting by the pool in the 85+ degree weather of August.  Not hanging out in an ice arena.  I'm constantly wondering to myself, that if hockey is considered a winter sport, why does the season start in the hottest month of the year? 

I guess I shouldn't be complaining, because J's teammates back in Finland are required to work out and skate with the team even during the summer.  They get a couple weeks off after the season, then they're back at it until mid-June-ish, and get another small break between then and August 1st.  Some of the teams even make their North American/import players come back over for this period of time.  I can't imagine.  We get 3 (maybe 4, like this year) months to be home.... in our home country, speaking our native language, to see family and friends, to live with all of the rest of our possessions that we can't fit into a couple suitcases.  And most importantly, to just mentally un-wind from the season.

But, (as much as I want it to), that doesn't mean that J just gets to sit next to me by the pool with a drink in his hand the whole time.  In fact, I wish he'd take a little more time off.  But that's just not him.  I think he took maybe a week off (including travel days) after the season before he started working out again.  He's a guy that's gotta be doing something to get better all the time or it will eat away at him.  He has to get to the gym at exactly the same time every day.  His workout is all precisely timed, and he would never even dream of missing a set or skipping his bike ride for the day.  Several days, after he works out, he goes to the rink to shoot pucks around.  He drinks protein shakes like they're water.  I tease him a lot about being too stiff, but I do admire his dedication.  He's constantly wanting to improve himself, and really lives by that motto of 'every day you take off is a day your competion is using to get better than you' or however it goes.  It is his job, after all... and just like with any other job, if you don't work hard and perform well, you'll get fired.

At the same time, this is our 'vacation' time from his job.  During the season, you work weekends and nights, in addition to days.  Even when you're not at the rink, an event, or traveling, most of the time is spent according to the hockey schedule.  If J has a game the next day, we're not going to go walk and tour around the city that afternoon.  That concert you wanted to go to?  Forget it, it's a game night.  Oh, you wanted to go for a little weekend getaway to leave the stresses of a bad week behind?  Not a chance- there's 2 games to be played!

It is most definitely a lifestyle choice, and for every negative thing about it a positive comes with it.  Like this nice long summer vacay that we have.  It all balances out.  For all you hockey fans out there, I'm sure by the end of one season, the next season cannot come soon enough.  But not for me.  For me, it can wait just a little.  My brain needs a break from it all.  I've still got some rays to soak up and family to spend time with.  I can't begin to think about packing up our lives into a couple suitcases again and starting the trek across the Atlantic.  Not just yet.



  1. Story of my life...if you would change America for Sweden and J for K..well there you have it! Its the same going on here..him working out and we had those 10 days in Vegas where he actually was resting and no workout:)
    Summer is way too short!!!

  2. Ugg, can't even start to think about it, at least just yet. And you are right, at least they don't have to train all year long like those that are back in Europe. Hope ya'll have a nice long weekend!! :)

  3. I am actually HAPPY that there are matches in summer, nothing better than escaping to a cold arena from the sauna outside :)

  4. Mrs K- I think it's the story of every hockey family's life! haha.

    Texa- yes, I'm trying to keep pushing it off as long as possible... :) Happy long weekend to you too!

    Susanne- definitely a good point! I think if he played in our hometown where I could still be "home" and with our family, I'd be more into the hockey in summer thing :)

  5. story of my life as well... but we're already back. of course, we planned to come back because of the baby, but still. It's crazy. And the weather is NOT warm right now.. doesn't make me very happy, but it is nice to know i don't have to travel again for a while..

  6. haha yes.. not a reason to be back early for! and it's nice that you luck out being so close to Jo's family. Hopefully it warms up soon for you guys!
